Fire Sprinkler Plan Requirements

Submittal documents can be submitted digitally via e-mail to or may be dropped off at 8201 E Reno, Midwest City, Oklahoma 73110.

Submittal documents are required to contain the minimum documentation requirements set forth in Chapter 23 of NFPA 13 2016 ; room names and ceiling / roof heights shall show full height and pitch. Mains shall not pass within 5 feet horizontally of electrical panels. All plans shall be drawn to scale, said scale shall be 1/8” or greater.

One set of approved plans bearing the appropriate stamp in addition to review comments and work permit shall be kept on the job-site at all times. State issued company license shall be provided.


A permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) plus four dollar ($4.00) state fee plus two cents ($0.02) per square foot of the structure and an acceptance testing fee of $100 per system that shall be charged for all new construction and for existing structures where more than fifty (50) percent of the system is being modified.

The permit fee for modification of less than fifty (50) percent of an existing system shall be only the fifty dollars ($50.00) and the four dollar ($4.00) state fee.