Rain Gardens

Bio-Swale Rain Garden

Rain gardens are a great way to naturally treat stormwater runoff that would otherwise flow untreated into nearby creeks, ponds and streams. Rain gardens are also a beautiful addition to any yard, common area, or park! They are different from other gardens in that they are set depressed into the earth to help capture stormwater runoff. This not only helps to prevent localized flooding, but it also filters out many pollutants and improves our water quality!

Some Quick Benefits of Rain Gardens:

  • Reduces localized flooding
  • Recharges groundwater aquifers
  • Provides habitat for wildlife
  • Filters pollutants and sediment from rainwater
  • Can be extremely low maintenance
  • Aesthetically pleasing

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A roadside rain garden
A curb-cut rain garden
Certify your rain garden as butterfly habitat