Voluntary Surveillance Camera Registration Program

In an effort to locate video evidence of crimes that occur in residential areas, we have implemented this voluntary program. Surveillance cameras are a great crime deterrent, but they do not guarantee that crime will not occur at or near the location of cameras. Just look at all the times people are caught on camera stealing from stores. After a crime has already occurred, the greatest benefit of having saved surveillance video is its potential in helping to identify suspects.

At the moment, when a burglary or other significant crime happens in your neighborhood, our officers do their best to check with neighbors nearby for video evidence; However, it is sometimes difficult for our officers to locate homes with cameras, due to time constraints and visibility issues such as at night when it is dark. Sometimes we notice homes with cameras, but often no one is home and we are unable to find a contact phone number.

Crime in neighborhoods is a community problem, and we are asking you to work with us to be a part of the solution.

To register your camera system, please complete the form here.

After we receive your registration, we will contact you at the phone number you provided in order to verify your registration. Please allow us up to a week to contact you. If you have any questions about this program, please call or leave a message at (405)739-1024.