The Original Mile Landscaped Islands and Markers

The Original Mile Area of Midwest City represents the oldest residential development in the city. The area is the focus of the Revitalization Plan for the Original Mile completed by consultants Ochsner, Hare & Hare in December of 2011. The plan evaluated existing conditions and recommended actions for the enhancement and revitalization of the area. The Original Mile was designed with 15 grassy medians that create eyebrow-like streets placing the islands in the middle of housing clusters like an eye. The 15 islands presented an opportunity to create usable green space to enhance the appearance of the neighborhood.

A Hospital Authority grant was awarded to develop the islands into little focal points of beauty with flowers and neighborhood markers. Rain gardens were built into a couple of the islands to help with draining issues as well.

Rain gardens were a new concept for Midwest City. They are basically bio-retention areas in existing street medians that allows rainwater to be held and released slowly into the ground. Underground irrigation pipe spreads water flow into all areas of the median. The trees, plants, mulch and soil in a rain garden combine natural, physical, biological and chemical processes to remove pollutants from runoff. A rain garden reduces pollution while providing a landscaped area that is easy to maintain and requires little or no watering. Trees and plants that are both wet and drought tolerant, grasses, shrubs and perennials have been identified for planting in these areas. The City monitors the rain gardens and provides ongoing maintenance.