Senior Center

Do you have a daily lunch program?

Yes. The Oklahoma County Senior Nutrition Program offers meals at the Center Monday through Friday. Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Reservations are helpful to allow them to know how many meals to prepare. For more information, please call the Oklahoma County Senior nutrition program at 405-949-2709. To reserve your meal for the day, please call 405-732-0302.

Do you have a list of activities that are available?

Yes! Visit our Activities Page.

Do you have a meals program for the home-bound?

Yes. The Oklahoma County Senior Nutrition Program has a program to deliver meals to the home-bound. Please call 405-949-2709 for more information on guidelines and availability for meals.

Do you have event rooms that are available for rent?

Yes, the Senior Center has limited dates available for senior events. Please note, the Center is not available for rent during regular business hours. Please call 405-739-1200 for available dates and fees.

Does the Senior Center close during severe weather?

The Senior Center follows the Mid-Del school calendar during inclement weather. If Mid-Del Schools are closed, the Center will also be closed. For other updates on closures, follow the Midwest City Senior Center on Facebook.

What are the Senior Center’s hours of operation?

The Center is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with special events occurring after hours, such as our dances, throughout the week.

What is the age limit for coming to the Senior Center?

Our participants are age 55 or older.

Who employs the Senior Center employees?

The City of Midwest City is the Senior Center’s employer.

Who is responsible for the upkeep of the Senior Center?

The City of Midwest City has a maintenance department that handles the cleaning and upkeep on the building.